Researcher Says Army Scientists Secretly Sprayed Cities with Radioactive Particles for Years
at 10/02/2012
According to Lisa Martino-Taylor, a sociologist, the United States military carried out top secret experiments involving the spraying of radioactive particles on residents of St. Louis, Missouri for years.
This is hardly surprising given the fact that the entire United States is currently engaged in a massive human experiment when we already know that the results will be nothing short of horrific.
Let’s also not forget that we continue to support the use of dangerous substances and technologies, even though we know that disaster is a certainty.
It is public knowledge that the government sprayed zinc cadmium sulfide particles – which are supposedly harmless – over St. Louis, but Professor Martino-Taylor says that her research indicates a radioactive additive was also mixed in with the compound.
The targets of these experiments were primarily minorities and low-income communities – again, hardly surprising given the U.S. government’s history of conducting brutal tests on disadvantaged populations – who had no clue that they were being subjected to dangerous chemicals from 1953-1954 and 1963-1965.
Martino-Taylor’s research uncovered photographs showing just how these particles were distributed as well as detailed descriptions of how the public was exposed to these substances in the name of keeping America safe.
In Corpus Christi, Texas the chemical was dispersed over large portions of the city from airplanes while in St. Louis, the U.S. Army placed chemical sprayers on schools and public housing projects, among other buildings, as well as on station wagons for mobile spraying.
Even local politicians were kept totally out of the loop with St. Louis residents simply being told that the Army was testing smoke screen technology to protect American cities from a potential Russian attack.
“The study was secretive for reason,” said Martino-Taylor to St. Louis’ KSDK. “They didn’t have volunteers stepping up and saying yeah, I’ll breathe zinc cadmium sulfide with radioactive particles.”
“It was pretty shocking. The level of duplicity and secrecy. Clearly they went to great lengths to deceive people,” she said.
Personally, I find this level of duplicity and secrecy far from shocking given that we are talking about the American government here.
Martino-Taylor had to file hundreds of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to get a hold of the once-classified documents confirming the spraying program.
Her research determined that the greatest concentration of spraying was focused on the Pruitt-Igoe housing complex, which is located northwest of downtown St. Louis in the Carr Square neighborhood.
This complex, which was destroyed in 1972, housed some 10,000 people with low incomes, an estimated 70 percent of which were children under the age of 12.
“This was a violation of all medical ethics, all international codes, and the military’s own policy at that time,” Martino-Taylor said.
The earlier evidence emerged in the 1990s when then-Congressman Richard Gephardt called on the Army to open their records and given an explanation for their testing in St. Louis.
“We want to make sure nothing went on that would harm anyone, and that all the fact[s] are out on the table,” Gephardt said at the time.
The documents which were eventually released revealed that the United States Army actually placed sprayers on various buildings, although the Army continued to insist that the chemicals were totally safe.
Martino-Taylor’s research shows that this is far from the truth.
“There is a lot of evidence that shows people in St. Louis and the city, in particular minority communities, were subjected to military testing that was connected to a larger radiological weapons testing project,” said Martino-Taylor.
Martino-Taylor’s findings link the program to U.S. Radium, a company infamous for being hit with lawsuits over their workers getting contaminated by radiation.
“US radium had this reputation where they had been found legally liable for producing a radioactive powdered paint that killed many young women who painted fluorescent watch tiles,” Martino-Taylor said.
The U.S. Army does, in fact, admit that they added a fluorescent substance to the compound they sprayed, but the details of the radioactivity of the added substance remains completely secret and likely will for quite a while.
The documents uncovered by Martino-Taylor show that the Army never so much as conducted a single follow-up study to see if the compound they sprayed did long term damage to the people unwittingly subjected to their experimentation.
“Through this case study, the author explores how a large number of participants inside an organization will willingly participate in organizational acts that are harmful to others, and how large numbers of outsiders, who may or may not be victims of organizational activities, are unable to determine illegal or harmful activity by an organization,” Martino-Taylor wrote.
Indeed, hopefully this case will help strengthen the now massive body of evidence which proves that “our” government, in fact, regularly treats us like nothing more than lab rats, cannon fodder and collateral for loans.
See Martino-Taylor’s interview below:
This is hardly surprising given the fact that the entire United States is currently engaged in a massive human experiment when we already know that the results will be nothing short of horrific.
Let’s also not forget that we continue to support the use of dangerous substances and technologies, even though we know that disaster is a certainty.
It is public knowledge that the government sprayed zinc cadmium sulfide particles – which are supposedly harmless – over St. Louis, but Professor Martino-Taylor says that her research indicates a radioactive additive was also mixed in with the compound.
The targets of these experiments were primarily minorities and low-income communities – again, hardly surprising given the U.S. government’s history of conducting brutal tests on disadvantaged populations – who had no clue that they were being subjected to dangerous chemicals from 1953-1954 and 1963-1965.
Martino-Taylor’s research uncovered photographs showing just how these particles were distributed as well as detailed descriptions of how the public was exposed to these substances in the name of keeping America safe.
In Corpus Christi, Texas the chemical was dispersed over large portions of the city from airplanes while in St. Louis, the U.S. Army placed chemical sprayers on schools and public housing projects, among other buildings, as well as on station wagons for mobile spraying.
Even local politicians were kept totally out of the loop with St. Louis residents simply being told that the Army was testing smoke screen technology to protect American cities from a potential Russian attack.
“The study was secretive for reason,” said Martino-Taylor to St. Louis’ KSDK. “They didn’t have volunteers stepping up and saying yeah, I’ll breathe zinc cadmium sulfide with radioactive particles.”
“It was pretty shocking. The level of duplicity and secrecy. Clearly they went to great lengths to deceive people,” she said.
Personally, I find this level of duplicity and secrecy far from shocking given that we are talking about the American government here.
Martino-Taylor had to file hundreds of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to get a hold of the once-classified documents confirming the spraying program.
Her research determined that the greatest concentration of spraying was focused on the Pruitt-Igoe housing complex, which is located northwest of downtown St. Louis in the Carr Square neighborhood.
This complex, which was destroyed in 1972, housed some 10,000 people with low incomes, an estimated 70 percent of which were children under the age of 12.
“This was a violation of all medical ethics, all international codes, and the military’s own policy at that time,” Martino-Taylor said.
The earlier evidence emerged in the 1990s when then-Congressman Richard Gephardt called on the Army to open their records and given an explanation for their testing in St. Louis.
“We want to make sure nothing went on that would harm anyone, and that all the fact[s] are out on the table,” Gephardt said at the time.
The documents which were eventually released revealed that the United States Army actually placed sprayers on various buildings, although the Army continued to insist that the chemicals were totally safe.
Martino-Taylor’s research shows that this is far from the truth.
“There is a lot of evidence that shows people in St. Louis and the city, in particular minority communities, were subjected to military testing that was connected to a larger radiological weapons testing project,” said Martino-Taylor.
Martino-Taylor’s findings link the program to U.S. Radium, a company infamous for being hit with lawsuits over their workers getting contaminated by radiation.
“US radium had this reputation where they had been found legally liable for producing a radioactive powdered paint that killed many young women who painted fluorescent watch tiles,” Martino-Taylor said.
The U.S. Army does, in fact, admit that they added a fluorescent substance to the compound they sprayed, but the details of the radioactivity of the added substance remains completely secret and likely will for quite a while.
The documents uncovered by Martino-Taylor show that the Army never so much as conducted a single follow-up study to see if the compound they sprayed did long term damage to the people unwittingly subjected to their experimentation.
“Through this case study, the author explores how a large number of participants inside an organization will willingly participate in organizational acts that are harmful to others, and how large numbers of outsiders, who may or may not be victims of organizational activities, are unable to determine illegal or harmful activity by an organization,” Martino-Taylor wrote.
Indeed, hopefully this case will help strengthen the now massive body of evidence which proves that “our” government, in fact, regularly treats us like nothing more than lab rats, cannon fodder and collateral for loans.
See Martino-Taylor’s interview below:
Mac Slavo
Oct 2, 2012
In the following video commentary Russian General Konstantin P. Petrov (Ret.) asks some interesting questions and includes his own thoughts (perhaps the non-official Russian position) about a variety of topics that include the end of US dollar hegemony, the orchestration of the 9-11 attacks to engage America in a mid-east war, the puppeteers behind the politicians and the coming premeditated collapse of the United States of America as we know it.
While here in the United States we remain enclosed in a propaganda bubble controlled by western multi-billion dollar media conglomerates, business interests and political alliances, there can be no doubt that other schools of thought exist throughout the world. What may seem like reality to our populace is perhaps nothing more than illusion.
The United States does not exist in a vacuum. As such, we simply cannot ignore the assessments, outlook and opinions of foreign leadership as they pertain to the global implications of current events.
How did they ruin the USSR? They called the Soviet Union a ‘prison for people’ and an ‘evil empire’.
The same thing is being done to the United States.
We also intervened in Afghanistan and do you remember how that ended? It’s the same thing with the United States, and the American can’t do anything there. Now the entire muslim world hates the United States.
And when the global mafia dumps the dollar the entire world will think that the Americans deserved this. But this won’t benefit people in our country, especially those who’ve been saving up dollars.
There’s another thing that we should take into account.
In the United States lives 5% of the world’s population, but Americans consume 50% of the world’s energy resources. The global mafia sees this as a problem.
…Some of our people who fled to the US, and now live there on welfare, live better there unemployed than they would have lived in Russia even if they were employed.The slave masters think that this situation in the US is unacceptable because even the slaves live relatively well there. so the United States is doomed too in this sense.
Even if you’re the head of a mighty state and you don’t understand global politics and don’t understand the methods of global politics you’re still a hostage of the global mafia. The leadership of the USSR and the leadership of the USA carried out internal and external politics, but the global mafia carries out global politics.
The USSR collapsed and the same fate has been prepared for the USA.
Oct 2, 2012
In the following video commentary Russian General Konstantin P. Petrov (Ret.) asks some interesting questions and includes his own thoughts (perhaps the non-official Russian position) about a variety of topics that include the end of US dollar hegemony, the orchestration of the 9-11 attacks to engage America in a mid-east war, the puppeteers behind the politicians and the coming premeditated collapse of the United States of America as we know it.
While here in the United States we remain enclosed in a propaganda bubble controlled by western multi-billion dollar media conglomerates, business interests and political alliances, there can be no doubt that other schools of thought exist throughout the world. What may seem like reality to our populace is perhaps nothing more than illusion.
The United States does not exist in a vacuum. As such, we simply cannot ignore the assessments, outlook and opinions of foreign leadership as they pertain to the global implications of current events.
How did they ruin the USSR? They called the Soviet Union a ‘prison for people’ and an ‘evil empire’.
The same thing is being done to the United States.
We also intervened in Afghanistan and do you remember how that ended? It’s the same thing with the United States, and the American can’t do anything there. Now the entire muslim world hates the United States.
And when the global mafia dumps the dollar the entire world will think that the Americans deserved this. But this won’t benefit people in our country, especially those who’ve been saving up dollars.
There’s another thing that we should take into account.
In the United States lives 5% of the world’s population, but Americans consume 50% of the world’s energy resources. The global mafia sees this as a problem.
…Some of our people who fled to the US, and now live there on welfare, live better there unemployed than they would have lived in Russia even if they were employed.The slave masters think that this situation in the US is unacceptable because even the slaves live relatively well there. so the United States is doomed too in this sense.
Even if you’re the head of a mighty state and you don’t understand global politics and don’t understand the methods of global politics you’re still a hostage of the global mafia. The leadership of the USSR and the leadership of the USA carried out internal and external politics, but the global mafia carries out global politics.
The USSR collapsed and the same fate has been prepared for the USA.
By Cassandra Anderson
October 2, 2012
Geo-engineering is an umbrella term for deliberate climate intervention that includes spraying the sky with aerosols to reflect solar radiation away from Earth in order to cool the planet and to save the environment and humanity from the effects of supposedly man-made global warming. There is evidence that this program has already been implemented for many years using unidentified chemical aerosols, known as chemtrails.
A geo-engineering/ chemtrails experiment using a balloon to spray sulfur particles into the sky to reflect solar radiation back into space is planned for New Mexico within a year by scientist David Keith. Keith manages a multimillion dollar research fund for Bill Gates. Gates has also gathered a team of scientist lobbyists that have been asking governments for hand-outs to for their climate manipulation experiments with taxpayer money.
Geo-engineering is touted as a last-ditch effort to save people and the planet from global warming. But the truth is that geo-engineering can alter rain cycles leading to droughts and famine that could result in billions of deaths!
Therefore, Bill Gates appears to be using his concern over global warming to cloak his real intent of controlling weather and/or depopulation.
Mount Pinatubo Model for Geo-Engineering Drought, Famine & Death
The Mount Pinatubo volcano in the Philippines erupted in 1991, spewing 22 million tons of sulfur dioxide (SO2) into the upper atmosphere/stratosphere. A 2008 study from Rutgers University based a model on Mount Pinatubo sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions and applied it to geo-engineering; the scientists said that they expected overall global cooling, but some regions would experience an increase in greenhouse gases and warming, as was recorded after Pinatubo erupted.
Based on the SO2 volcanic model, the scientists reported that geo-engineering aerosols sprayed in tropical or Arctic regions are likely to disrupt African and Asian/Indian summer monsoons, threatening the food and water supply for billions of people!
Additional negative consequences include ozone depletion, reduced strength of hydrological cycles resulting in decreased river flow and soil moisture.
While the scientists, led by Alan Robock, who performed the experiments appear to believe in man-made global warming, they do have stern warnings against the dangers of geo-engineering.
2012 Geo-Engineering Study
The Max Planck Institute conducted a study of geo-engineering models based on volcanoes, but the study was unrealistic because it used climate models with 400% more carbon dioxide than the pre-industrial era. However, their results showed that geo-engineering will cause a strong decrease in rainfall (a 15% loss in North America and Eurasia and a 20% decrease in South America). Overall, global rainfall would be reduced by 5%.
Unless one considers the financial benefits (government and private grants), it is bewildering why the academia would support geo-engineering.
Geo-Engineering Can Cause Warming
Geo-engineering can actually cause global warming when tampering with clouds in the upper atmosphere/stratosphere. The Gates-funded scientist lobbyists propose spraying sulfur dioxide 30 miles above Earth and the New Mexico experiment proposes spraying 15 miles above surface- both of these fall within the parameters of the upper atmosphere/stratosphere.
The troposphere is the lowest portion of the Earth's atmosphere, extending an average of 4 to 12 miles above surface. Clouds that are in the lower troposphere are generally thick white clouds with a high rate of albedo or reflectivity of the sun's rays away from Earth that produce a cooling effect. However, the experiments are to be conducted above this level in the upper atmosphere/stratosphere.
The upper atmosphere is called the stratosphere and extends as high as 31 miles above the Earth's surface. The clouds in the higher stratosphere are generally thin, have a lower albedo reflective rate and act like a blanket that traps heat.
Both experiments propose dumping SO2 in the upper atmosphere/stratosphere, creating a heat-trapping blanket that would theoretically increase warming. This is the opposite of Gates' stated goal to cool the planet.
(Note: most long-distance planes fly at 6 miles above surface, in the lower atmosphere/troposhere)
What About the EPA?
Given that the EPA claims that sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions cause health problems and early death and that they are shuttering coal plants over emissions, you may be wondering why the EPA isn't screaming bloody murder over Gates' SO2 aerosol-spraying experiments.
The answer can be found on the EPA's own website where they promote giving regulatory power over geo-engineering/chemtrails to the UN and/or developed countries that fund the programs. The EPA is abdicating power to international interests.
Bill Gates' failure to address the EPA's dire warnings of the dangers of SO2 is proof that he is aware that the EPA's claims are grossly overstated or that he doesn't really care about the environment and has ulterior motives.
Global Warming and UN Control
Global warming is a ruse that claims that life on planet Earth is in grave danger- this alarmism is used for political gain. Global warming is a hoax based on manipulated science from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The UN currently is assuming control over geo-engineering through its Convention on Biological Diversity treaty that declared a moratorium on experiments, except in some cases.
Geo-engineering is either a risky adventure to test ignorant theories or a scheme to control weather, water and food supplies.
Bill Gates' record as a depopulation enthusiast supports the argument that geo-engineering is a weather domination scheme that may be used as a weapon threatening the lives of billions of people.
October 2, 2012
Geo-engineering is an umbrella term for deliberate climate intervention that includes spraying the sky with aerosols to reflect solar radiation away from Earth in order to cool the planet and to save the environment and humanity from the effects of supposedly man-made global warming. There is evidence that this program has already been implemented for many years using unidentified chemical aerosols, known as chemtrails.
A geo-engineering/ chemtrails experiment using a balloon to spray sulfur particles into the sky to reflect solar radiation back into space is planned for New Mexico within a year by scientist David Keith. Keith manages a multimillion dollar research fund for Bill Gates. Gates has also gathered a team of scientist lobbyists that have been asking governments for hand-outs to for their climate manipulation experiments with taxpayer money.
Geo-engineering is touted as a last-ditch effort to save people and the planet from global warming. But the truth is that geo-engineering can alter rain cycles leading to droughts and famine that could result in billions of deaths!
Therefore, Bill Gates appears to be using his concern over global warming to cloak his real intent of controlling weather and/or depopulation.
Mount Pinatubo Model for Geo-Engineering Drought, Famine & Death
The Mount Pinatubo volcano in the Philippines erupted in 1991, spewing 22 million tons of sulfur dioxide (SO2) into the upper atmosphere/stratosphere. A 2008 study from Rutgers University based a model on Mount Pinatubo sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions and applied it to geo-engineering; the scientists said that they expected overall global cooling, but some regions would experience an increase in greenhouse gases and warming, as was recorded after Pinatubo erupted.
Based on the SO2 volcanic model, the scientists reported that geo-engineering aerosols sprayed in tropical or Arctic regions are likely to disrupt African and Asian/Indian summer monsoons, threatening the food and water supply for billions of people!
Additional negative consequences include ozone depletion, reduced strength of hydrological cycles resulting in decreased river flow and soil moisture.
While the scientists, led by Alan Robock, who performed the experiments appear to believe in man-made global warming, they do have stern warnings against the dangers of geo-engineering.
2012 Geo-Engineering Study
The Max Planck Institute conducted a study of geo-engineering models based on volcanoes, but the study was unrealistic because it used climate models with 400% more carbon dioxide than the pre-industrial era. However, their results showed that geo-engineering will cause a strong decrease in rainfall (a 15% loss in North America and Eurasia and a 20% decrease in South America). Overall, global rainfall would be reduced by 5%.
Unless one considers the financial benefits (government and private grants), it is bewildering why the academia would support geo-engineering.
Geo-Engineering Can Cause Warming
The troposphere is the lowest portion of the Earth's atmosphere, extending an average of 4 to 12 miles above surface. Clouds that are in the lower troposphere are generally thick white clouds with a high rate of albedo or reflectivity of the sun's rays away from Earth that produce a cooling effect. However, the experiments are to be conducted above this level in the upper atmosphere/stratosphere.
The upper atmosphere is called the stratosphere and extends as high as 31 miles above the Earth's surface. The clouds in the higher stratosphere are generally thin, have a lower albedo reflective rate and act like a blanket that traps heat.
Both experiments propose dumping SO2 in the upper atmosphere/stratosphere, creating a heat-trapping blanket that would theoretically increase warming. This is the opposite of Gates' stated goal to cool the planet.
(Note: most long-distance planes fly at 6 miles above surface, in the lower atmosphere/troposhere)
What About the EPA?
Given that the EPA claims that sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions cause health problems and early death and that they are shuttering coal plants over emissions, you may be wondering why the EPA isn't screaming bloody murder over Gates' SO2 aerosol-spraying experiments.
The answer can be found on the EPA's own website where they promote giving regulatory power over geo-engineering/chemtrails to the UN and/or developed countries that fund the programs. The EPA is abdicating power to international interests.
Bill Gates' failure to address the EPA's dire warnings of the dangers of SO2 is proof that he is aware that the EPA's claims are grossly overstated or that he doesn't really care about the environment and has ulterior motives.
Global Warming and UN Control
Global warming is a ruse that claims that life on planet Earth is in grave danger- this alarmism is used for political gain. Global warming is a hoax based on manipulated science from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The UN currently is assuming control over geo-engineering through its Convention on Biological Diversity treaty that declared a moratorium on experiments, except in some cases.
Geo-engineering is either a risky adventure to test ignorant theories or a scheme to control weather, water and food supplies.
Bill Gates' record as a depopulation enthusiast supports the argument that geo-engineering is a weather domination scheme that may be used as a weapon threatening the lives of billions of people.
When leaders of both countries proved themselves terminally belligerent, the people of each country took matters into their own hands. Two sets of videos, one from Israelis to Iranians and the other from Iranians to Israelis.
To Iran, with love, from Israel:
From Iran to Israel, we want peace, not bombs:
Steve Beckow
To Iran, with love, from Israel:
From Iran to Israel, we want peace, not bombs:
Steve Beckow
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